Hi Moms!
Do you feel overwhelmed from stress and burn out?
Do you feel like you don’t have a community to share the ups and downs of motherhood?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then I invite you to join me Friday, April 12th from 7 PM to 9 PM at A Healthy and Happy You for a Sanity Circle for Moms.
Sanity Circle for Moms is a haven for ALL moms no matter what age or stage of motherhood you are in to take time for yourself and to hold space for one another in community through discussion, questioning, and well just getting away from the family for some you time.
During each Sanity Circle I’ll share self-care tips and mindfulness tools that can help you get through your day as a mom and then we will open the floor to discussions and questioning. This is NOT a bitch fest but rather a time and safe space to hold and support one another in unity of motherhood.
This Sanity Circle is FREE! So bring a friend or a sister or even your own mom and let’s join together to preserve our sanity as moms.
When: Friday, April 12th
Where: A Healthy and Happy You
1613 Reed Road
Pennington NJ
Time: 7:00 pm -9:00 pm
Cost: FREE! but we do require registration so we know how many Moms to expect.
Register at: https://www.ahealthyandhappyyou.com/booking-calendar/sanity-circle-for-moms?referral=service_list_widget
I look forward to seeing all of you Moms!
Until then.
#ahealthyandhappyyou #selfcare #selflove #moms #sanity #women #womencircle #momscircle #pennington #ewing #lawrence #hamilton #princeton #eastwindsor #westwindsor #nj #newjersey
